These tote bag designs are based on wild nature and spring.
I tend to use tote bags in my everyday life. I also find them a perfect canvas to print and carry large designs in full colour, while being a very practical product to use.

Natural themes have been repeated over and over again in my work. I guess I have always been taught to respect nature since I was a child. Even now I try to use less plastics in my online sales and in general.

These designs were used for stickers and as extras to give away with the bags.

From this project I also made washi tapes, with the same plant designs used for the bags.

My goal was to create designs inspired in the wild nature, the Spring and the "three wise monkeys" concept (known for hide their eyes, ears and mouth).
But then I paused the project during the 2020 quarantine.
We could not that spring enjoy while we were locked up at home.
During the first few days that we were able to go out, I was surprised to see how everything had bloomed wilder than ever, with no one stepping on the first green shoots. Places where nothing should have been growing ended up full of wild plants. It was an incredible thing to see in those days.
It reminded me of how wild nature is when we let it be, and how quickly it takes what was once its own.
So I continued this project with even more enthusiasm, even after the spring, by putting all this into environmentally friendly bags.
The 10% of the benefits of this project was invested to the environmental association Reforesta, dedicated to forest restoration and environmental education.